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WVDNR announces 2024 West Virginia Big Buck Photo Contest winners

Grand prize winner will receive a lifetime license, 15 others to get a state forest cabin stay or prize package

SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The West Virginia Division of Natural Resources (WVDNR) announced today the winners of the state’s fourth annual Big Buck Photo Contest during the opening ceremony of the West Virginia Hunting and Fishing Show at the Charleston Coliseum and Convention Center.

“West Virginia’s hunting traditions are a big part of what makes our state so special and the Big Buck Photo Contest is just one of the ways we celebrate that heritage,” said WVDNR Director Brett McMillion. “I want to thank everyone who participated in the contest because your contributions not only help us showcase the excellent hunting opportunities in our state but will help us keep our outdoor tradition alive for generations to come.”

The Big Buck Photo Contest, which was sponsored again this year by the WVDNR and West Virginia Department of Tourism, was open to resident and nonresident youth and adult hunters. To enter, hunters were required to submit a photo with a buck they harvested during a 2024 hunting season along with a short account of their hunt. Each entrant was required to show proof of a valid 2024 West Virginia Hunting License and had to include their personal 13-digit DNR-issued game check number.

Finalists were chosen by random drawing from all eligible entries and winners were selected by a judging committee. Winning photos were selected based on photo composition, size of the buck’s antlers, number of antler points and how well the hunt was described.

The 16 winners included five resident adults, five resident youths, one non-resident youth and five non-resident adults who were selected from a list of more than 320 finalists. One resident adult grand prize winner was selected and will receive a lifetime hunting license or a West Virginia State Park cabin stay. The remaining resident adults and non-resident adult winners will receive a State Park cabin stay or a Cabela’s prize package. All youth winners will receive a Cabela’s prize package.

Grand Prize Winner

Resident Adult Division Winners

Resident Youth Division Winners

Non-Resident Youth Division Winner

Non-Resident Adult Division Winners

For more information about hunting and fishing in West Virginia and to purchase a 2025 license and stamps, visit

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