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WVDNR reminds hunters to field tag, electronically check big game harvests

With big game seasons open around West Virginia, the state Division of Natural Resources is reminding hunters to field tag and electronically check in their harvests.

Field tags must be completed before moving the carcass and the tag must remain with the carcass until it is electronically checked. The hunter’s name, address, license number (if required) and the date, time and county of the harvest must be on the tag.

The best way to electronically check in a harvest is at Hunters may also check game by calling 1-844-WVCHECK or by visiting a license agent. Hunters are no longer required to transport their harvest to a check station.

To check game, hunters must know their DNR ID. A hunter who purchases an annual license can find their DNR ID printed at the top their license. Lifetime license holders, landowners and other hunters who aren’t required to purchase a license can obtain their DNR ID by visiting or contacting a license agent.

When a hunter has completed the electronic game check process, a 13-digit number will be assigned that confirms the game has been checked in properly. The game check confirmation number must be written down on a field tag or a sheet of paper along with the hunter’s name and address. This number must remain with the carcass until it is dressed for consumption.

Hunters who want to check their game online but haven’t logged into the WVDNR’s new electronic license system will need to create a new username and password. This can be done by visiting, clicking “Look Up Your Account” and following the on-screen prompts. Hunters who need assistance may call 304-558-6200 and dial 1 when prompted.

Requirements for Electronically Checking Deer

Each harvested deer must be electronically checked and the 13-digit confirmation number, along with the hunter’s name and address, must be attached to the deer before it is transported beyond the county adjacent to the county in which it was killed. This must be done within 72 hours from when the deer was killed or 24 hours from the close of the respective season, whichever comes first.

Requirements for Electronically Checking Bear

Each harvested bear must be electronically checked and the 13-digit confirmation number, along with the hunter’s name and address, must be attached to the bear within 24 hours after the kill. Hunters also are required to submit a first premolar tooth from each bear to the WVDNR by Jan. 31 of the year following the kill.

Requirements for Electronically Checking Turkey

Each harvested turkey must be electronically checked and the 13-digit confirmation number, along with the hunter’s name and address, must be attached to the carcass before it is skinned or transported beyond the county adjacent to the county in which it was killed. This must be done within 72 hours from when it was killed or 24 hours from the close of the respective season, whichever comes first.

Requirements for Electronically Checking Boar

Each harvested boar must be electronically checked within 24 hours of the kill. The 13-digit confirmation number, along with the hunter’s name and address, must be attached to the carcass and remain with it until it is dressed for consumption.

For more information about game checking requirements, check the 2021-2022 Hunting and Trapping Regulations, available to download at

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