West Virginia’s 2016 deer muzzleloader season is Dec. 5-10. Purchase hunting licenses at www.wvhunt.com
December is the perfect month to take to the woods the old-fashioned way: with a muzzleloader firearm. West Virginia’s 2016 deer muzzleloader season is set for Dec. 5 through Dec. 10.
In 2015, muzzleloader hunters harvested 5,178 deer during the season. DNR wildlife biologists are predicting a similar result this year, depending on both participation and the weather.
Now, before the season begins, is the time to get ready for this challenging hunting method. That includes making sure you have the proper licenses, especially if you intend to take more than one deer during the muzzleloader season. Resident and nonresident hunters interested in purchasing an additional deer muzzleloader stamp (RM and RRM respectively) have until Dec. 4, the day before the season opening, to make that purchase. Only one RM stamp or one RRM stamp can be purchased.
To help you prepare for the season, we’ve put together this list of helpful muzzleloader deer hunting regulation reminders:
- Logan, McDowell, Mingo and Wyoming counties do not have a deer muzzleloader season.
- If you hunt in a county with a closed antlerless deer season or in a county that you had to apply for an antlerless season permit, then you can harvest only one antlered deer on the RM or RRM stamp.
- If you hunt in a county with an antlerless season bag limit of one and you were not required to apply for an antlerless permit for that county or a county with an antlerless season bag limit of three deer, then you can harvest one deer of either sex on the RM or RRM stamp.
- Crossbows can be substituted for a muzzleloader firearm; however, bows cannot be substituted for a muzzleloader.
- Concurrent archery hunting is legal during the muzzleloader season subject to all archery deer hunting regulations. Concurrent waterfowl hunting is legal.
- No more than three bucks can be harvested in a calendar year (all seasons combined).
- All hunters during this week are required to wear blaze orange.
Check out the 2016-2017 West Virginia Hunting and Trapping Regulations Summary for more detailed information or visit the DNR website at www.wvdnr.gov. To register for your DNR ID number, buy a license, or to electronically check game, go to www.wvhunt.com.
West Virginia’s 2016 deer muzzleloader season is Dec. 5-10!