Did you know you can help feed hungry people by hunting in West Virginia? Through the Hunters Helping the Hungry Program, you can donate your deer to a family in need.
The HHH program is a cooperative effort between the DNR, hunters, meat processors, the West Virginia Department of Agriculture, Mountaineer Food Bank, Facing Hunger Foodbank and a statewide network of more than 600 food pantries, shelters, churches, children’s homes and similar groups.
Hunters who participate in the program take their deer to a participating meat processor, where the venison is ground, packaged and frozen for distribution. Participating food banks pick up the venison and distribute it to the needy. Since its inception, more than 26,000 deer have been processed and more than 1 million pounds of highly nutritious meat has been provided to needy families and individuals throughout West Virginia.

More than 1 million pounds of venison has been given to needy families through HHH.
DNR administers and publicizes the program, but no tax or hunting license money is used to fund the program. Many people and organizations deserve thanks for the success of the program, especially the hunters who donate the meat and the generous donors who pay for its processing and distribution.
On Oct. 26, the Governor’s One Shot, an invitational antlerless deer hunt at Stonewall Resort, will help raise funds for Hunters Helping the Hungry.
For more information about Hunters Helping the Hungry contact your local DNR district office or visit the DNR website by clicking here.