WVDNR Wildlife Resources
P.O. Box 99 • Farmington, WV 26571
(304) 825-6787
1. Bear Rock Lakes
District 1 – Ohio County
Directions: Off U.S. Route 40 near Valley Grove, eight miles east of Wheeling and three miles from the Dallas Pike Interchange of I-70 or West Alexander Road to Stoolfire Road to Park Hill Road to WMA.
Size: 242 acres
Terrain: Moderate to gently rolling slopes dominated by mixed hardwood forests and open fields
Hunting Opportunities
Hunting is limited due to area size.
Hunting Prospects: deer, rabbit, squirrel, turkey, waterfowl
Furbearers: red fox, mink, opossum, raccoon, skunk
Fishing Opportunities
Bear Lake: 8 acres – • boat ramp
• electric motors only
• handicapped-accessible trail
Rock Lake: 4 acres
Baker Lake: 3.4 acres
• Class Q fishing pier
Game Fish: largemouth bass, bluegill, channel catfish, trout (stocked seasonally)
Accommodations and Facilities
On the WMA:
• Camping is not permitted.
• vault toilets
Owned by WVDNR
Managed by Wildlife Resources Section
2. Burches Run
District 1 – Ohio County
Directions: County Route 14, which intersects state route 88 approximately six miles south of Wheeling or country Routes 5 and 16.
Size: 55 acres
Note: Burches Run Lake no longer exists as the damn was breaches in 2005.
Terrain: Gently rolling hillsides ranging in elevation from 780 to 900 feet, mature oak-hickory forest covers most of the area
Hunting Opportunities Hunting is limited due to area size.
Hunting Prospects: deer, squirrel
Furbearers: mink, opossum, raccoon
Accommodations and Facilities
On the WMA:
• Camping is not permitted.
Owned by WVDNR
Managed by Wildlife Resources Section
3. Castlemans Run Lake
District 1 – Brooke and Ohio counties
Directions: Approximately three miles south of Bethany along county Route 32, off U.S. Route 40 near Potomac Settlement in Brooke County. Access can also be gained from county Route 32/3 and 32/5.
Size: 836 acres
Terrain: Moderately steep slopes dominated by mixed hardwoods, brushland and open fields
Hunting Opportunities
Hunting Prospects: deer, grouse, rabbit, squirrel, turkey
Furbearers: bobcat, coyote, gray fox, red fox, mink, opossum, raccoon, skunk
Fishing Opportunities Buffalo Creek
Castlemans Run Lake: 22 acres
• boat ramp
• electric motors only
• handicapped-accessible trail
Game Fish: largemouth bass, bluegill, catfish, muskellunge, tiger musky, northern pike, trout (stocked seasonally)
Accommodations & Facilities On the WMA:
• Camping is not permitted.
• vault toilets
Owned by WVDNR
Managed by Wildlife Resources Section
4. Cecil H. Underwood
District 1 – Marshall and Wetzel counties
Directions: Ten miles south of Cameron along U.S. Route 250, county Routes 89 and 250/13 (Rice Ridge Road).
Size: 3,449 acres
Terrain: Steep to moderate slopes ranging in elevation from 800 feet along the West Virginia Fork of Fish Creek to 1,510 feet with oak-hickory and cove hardwoods dominating the forest canopy. WMA is interspersed with numerous. access trails and forest clearings.
Hunting Opportunities
Hunting Prospects: deer, grouse, squirrel, turkey
Furbearers: bobcat, gray fox, opossum, raccoon, skunk
Fishing Opportunities
West Virginia Fork of Fish Creek
Game Fish: rock and smallmouth bass, sunfish
Accommodations & Facilities
On the WMA:
• Camping is not permitted.
Owned by WVDNR
Managed by Wildlife Resources Section
5. Center Branch
District 1 – Harrison County
Directions: State Route 20 at Stonewood and county Route 25, north of Mt. Clare or county Route 20/10 (Turkey Run Road).
Size: 975 acres
Terrain: Strip-bench flats to moderately steep slopes and scattered high walls rising in elevation to 1,520 feet covered with primarily mixed hardwood and cove hardwood forests in pole timber to early saw timber stages. WMA is interspersed with gas well locations and access roads.
Hunting Opportunities
Hunting Prospects: deer, grouse, rabbit, squirrel, turkey
Furbearers: bobcat, coyote, red fox, mink, opossum, raccoon, skunk
Fishing Opportunities: Small ponds
Game Fish: sunfish
Accommodations & Facilities
On the WMA:
• Camping is not permitted.
Owned by WVDNR
Managed by Wildlife Resources Section
6. Cheat Canyon
District 1 – Preston County
Directions: Access is off state Route 26 along county Route 26/23. Also from Mt. Nebo via county Route 14/4.
Size: 3,668
Terrain: Very rocky and steep slopes, primarily from canyon rim to canyon rim, along the Cheat River ranging in elevation from 940 to 2,100 feet with hardwood forests.
Hunting Opportunities Limited trapping opportunities
Hunting Prospects: bear, deer, squirrel, turkey
Furbearers: bobcat, fisher, opossum, raccoon, skunk
Fishing Opportunities
Cheat River: limited access
Game Fish: smallmouth bass
Accommodations & Facilities
On the WMA:
• Segment of the Allegheny Trail.
• Camping is not permitted.
Coopers Rock State Forest
(304) 594-1561
Owned by WVDNR and The Nature Conservancy
Managed by Wildlife Resources Section
7. Cross Creek
District 1 – Brooke County
Directions: Approximately six miles northeast of Wellsburg along county Route 7 at Virginville. Access can also be gained from county Routes 7/3, 7/4 and 27/5.
Size: 2,080 acres
Terrain: Gently rolling (reclaimed surface mine areas) to moderately steep slopes with scattered high walls rising in elevation to 1,250 feet, primarily covered with mixed hardwoods. WMA consists of reclaimed strip mined areas, beaver ponds and strip benches.
Hunting Opportunities
Hunting Prospects: deer, grouse, rabbit, squirrel, turkey, waterfowl
Furbearers: beaver, bobcat, coyote, gray fox, red fox, mink, muskrat, opossum, raccoon, skunk
Fishing Opportunities
Cross Creek
Beaver Ponds: located along Parmar Run
Game Fish: largemouth and smallmouth bass, bluegill, sunfish
Accommodations & Facilities
On the WMA:
• Camping is not permitted.
Owned by WVDNR
Managed by Wildlife Resources Section
8. Dents Run
District 1 – Marion County
Directions: Off county Route 1 (Buffalo Creek Road) one mile south of Mannington along county Route 5 (Dents Run Road)
Size: 1,220 acres
Terrain: Moderately steep slopes ranging in elevations from 1,000 to 1,500 feet with oak-hickory and mixed hardwood forests and open fields in the valleys.
Hunting Opportunities
Hunting Prospects: deer, rabbit, squirrel, turkey
Furbearers: bobcat, coyote, red fox, mink, opossum, raccoon, skunk
Fishing Opportunities
Dents Run Lake: 30 acres
• electric motors only
• boat ramp
Game Fish: largemouth bass, bluegill, channel catfish, crappie
Accommodations & Facilities
On the WMA:
• Camping is not permitted.
• 100-yard shooting range
Owned by CONSOL Energy, Inc. and WVDNR
Managed by Wildlife Resources Section
9. Dunkard Fork
District 1 – Marshall County
Directions: Northeastern Marshall County along the Pennsylvania state border, and it can be accessed by county Route 15.
Size: 470 acres
Terrain: Moderate slopes dominated by oak-hickory and cove hardwood forests
Hunting Opportunities
Hunting is limited due to area size.
Hunting Prospects: deer, squirrel, turkey, waterfowl
Furbearer: bobcat, gray fox, opossum, raccoon, skunk
Fishing Opportunities
Dunkard Fork Lake: 49 acres
• boat ramp
• handicapped-accessible pier
• electric motors only
Note: A portion of this lake is located in Pennsylvania.
Game Fish: black bass (catch-andrelease), hybrid striped bass, bluegill, channel catfish, tiger musky, trout (stocked seasonally)
Accommodations & Facilities
On the WMA:
• Camping is not permitted.
Owned by Wheeling Creek Watershed Commission
Managed cooperatively by WVDNR Wildlife Resources Section
10. Fairfax Pond – Rehe
District 1 – Preston County
Directions: Approximately one mile south of Reedsville along state Route 92. Access can also be gained from county Route 92/1 (Arthur Road) and 56/2 (Dogtown Road).
Size: 638 acres
Terrain:Moderate to gently rolling slopes ranging in elevation from 1,710 to 1,940 feet with mixed hardwood forests, open fields and a diverse wetland complex in the valley. Scattered old field habitat is found throughout the area along reclaimed strip mined benches.
Hunting Opportunities
Hunting Prospects: deer, grouse, rabbit, turkey, waterfowl
Furbearer: Beaver, bobcat, red fox, mink, muskrat, opossum, raccoon, skunk
Fishing Opportunities
Fairfax Pond: 21 acres
NRCS Impoundment #16: 14 acres
Game Fish: largemouth bass, bluegill, sunfish
Accommodations & Facilities
On the WMA:
• Camping is not permitted.
Owned by WVDNR
Managed by Wildlife Resources Section
11. Hillcrest
District 1 – Hancock County
Directions: Access is off of state Route 8 via county Route 18 (Gas Valley Road), county Route 14 (Middle Run and Orchard Roads) and county Route 42 (Smith Road).
Size: 2,212 acres
Terrain: Flat bottomlands to rolling uplands with elevations ranging from 1,000 to 1,280 feet. WMA consists of old fields, orchards, croplands and scattered woodlots.
Hunting Opportunities
• Class Q hunting access is provided.
Hunting Prospects: deer, mourning dove, rabbit, squirrel, turkey, waterfowl
Furbearer: coyote, red fox, muskrat, opossum, raccoon, skunk
Accommodations & Facilities
On the WMA:
• Camping is not permitted.
• 100-yard shooting range
• Class Q hunter access road
Tomlinson Run State Park
(304) 564-3651
Owned by WVDNR
Managed by Wildlife Resources Section
12. Lantz Farm and Nature Preserve
District 1 – Wetzel County
Directions: U.S. Route 20 at Jacksonburg and county Route 82 (Buffalo Run Road).
Size: 545 acres
Terrain: Gently rolling to moderately steep slopes ranging in elevation from 736 to 1,475 feet, dominated by old growth oak-hickory, cove hardwood forests and large open fields
Hunting Opportunities
A portion of the area is safety zoned due to recreational facilities.
Hunting Prospects: deer, squirrel, turkey
Furbearer: bobcat, gray fox, red fox, opossum, raccoon, skunk
Fishing Opportunities
Fishing Ponds
South Fork of Fishing Creek Game Fish: largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass, bluegill, channel catfish, sunfish, trout (stocked)
Accommodations & Facilities
On the WMA:
• Camping is not permitted.
• educational interpretive trails
Owned by Wheeling Jesuit University
Managed cooperatively by WVDNR, Wildlife Resources Section
13. Lewis Wetzel
District 1 – Wetzel, Tyler and Doddridge counties
Directions: Three-quarter mile south of Jacksonburg on county Route 82 (Buffalo Run Road) or via county Route 13 (Indian Creek Road), approximately 14 miles east of its intersection with state Route 18.
Size: 14,072 acres
Terrain: Moderate to steep slopes ranging in elevation from 736 to 1,560 feet. Area is heavily forested and dominated by oak-hickory and cove hardwood. Numerous. well locations and pipelines are scattered throughout the area.
Hunting Opportunities
• Class Q hunting access is provided.
Hunting Prospects: deer, grouse, squirrel, turkey
Furbearer: bobcat, coyote, gray fox, red fox, mink, opossum, raccoon, skunk
Fishing Opportunities
South Fork of Fishing Creek
Game Fish: smallmouth bass (Pine Grove to Smithfield), spotted bass, trout (stocked seasonally)
Accommodations & Facilities
On the WMA:
• campsites – open seasonally
• 20 tent/trailer
• vault toilets
• 100-yard shooting range
• Class Q hunter access road
Owned by WVDNR
Managed by Wildlife Resources Section
14. Little Canaan
District 1 – Tucker County
Directions: Off Camp Seventy Road (CR 32/18) or from state Route 32 near Davis
Size: 3,041 acres
Terrain: Moderate to steep, rocky slopes ranging in elevation from 3,080 to 3,800 feet with a unique diversity of habitats, including the “Little Canaan” wetland complex. Additionally, approximately three miles of the Blackwater River run through the WMA.
Hunting Opportunities
Hunting Prospects: bear, deer, grouse, turkey, woodcock
Furbearer: beaver, bobcat, coyote, mink, opossum, raccoon, skunk
Fishing Opportunities
Blackwater River
Game Fish: rock bass, trout (stocked seasonally)
Accommodations & Facilities
On the WMA:
• campsites – tent/trailer
• A handicapped-accessible pier is located on the Blackwater River with access from the Camp Seventy Road.
Owned by WVDNR
Managed by Wildlife Resources Section
15. Little Indian Creek
District 1 – Monongalia County
Directions: Off of state Route 19 near Arnettsville. Access via county Routes 34 and 45/1. Access can also be gained from county Routes 45 (River Road) and 19/2 (Snider Run Road).
Size: 1,083 acres
Terrain: Gently rolling (reclaimed surface mine areas) to moderately steep slopes ranging in elevation from 900 to 1,330 feet. Primarily covered with mixed hardwood forests and open fields.
Hunting Opportunities
• Class Q hunting access is provided.
Hunting Prospects: deer, grouse, rabbit, squirrel, turkey
Furbearers: bobcat, coyote, gray fox, red fox, mink, muskrat, opossum, raccoon, skunk
Accommodations & Facilities
On the WMA:
• Camping is not permitted.
• Class Q hunter access road
Owned by WVDNR
Managed by Wildlife Resources Section
16. Pedlar
District 1 – Monongalia County
Directions: Ten miles west of Morgantown and seven miles west of I-79 (exit 155). Two tracts: one parcel located along state Route 7, one-half mile west of Core, WV. The other tract is along county Route 41, one-half mile south of its intersection with state Route 7.
Size: 766 acres
Terrain: Moderate slopes dominated by mixed hardwood forests of various. ages and numerous. grassy openings from past coal and logging operations
Hunting Opportunities
Hunting Prospects: deer, grouse, squirrel, turkey, waterfowl
Furbearer: bobcat, gray fox, opossum, raccoon, skunk
Fishing Opportunities
Mason Lake: 14.5 acres
• boat ramp
• electric motors only
• handicapped-accessible trail
• trout (stocked seasonally)
Dixon Lake: 5.5 acres
• handicapped-accessible trail
• no boats
Game Fish: hybrid striped bass, largemouth bass, channel catfish, muskellunge, sunfish
Accommodations & Facilities
On the WMA:
• Camping is not permitted.
• 100-yard shooting range
Owned by WVDNR
Managed by Wildlife Resources Section
17. Pleasant Creek
District 1 – Barbour and Taylor counties
Directions: Along U.S. Routes 119 and 250, six miles north of Philippi and nine miles south of Grafton.
Size: 2,976 acres
Terrain: Varies from wetland to mixed hardwood forest, slopes are moderately steep rising to 1,600 feet in elevation
Hunting Opportunities
Hunting Prospects: deer, mourning dove, grouse, rabbit, squirrel, turkey, waterfowl, woodcock
Furbearer: bobcat, coyote, gray fox, red fox, mink, muskrat, opossum, raccoon, skunk
Fishing Opportunities
Tygart Lake: 1,750 acres
• boat ramps
• trout stocked in tailwaters
• Lake conditions (304) 265-5953
• Resource manager (304) 265-1760
Doe Run Impoundment
• electric motors only
Pleasant Creek
Game Fish: rock, smallmouth and white bass, bluegill, channel and flathead catfish, crappie, muskellunge, sunfish, walleye
Accommodations & Facilities
On the WMA:
• campsites – 40 tent/trailer open seasonally
• vault toilets
• 200-yard shooting range
Tygart Lake State Park
(304) 265-6144
Owned by WVDNR and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Managed by Wildlife Resources Section
18. Pruntytown State Farm
District 1 – Taylor County
Directions: One-half mile west of Pruntytown off U.S. Route 50 and county Routes 38, 16 and 10.
Size: 1,764 acres
Terrain: Moderate slopes to gently rolling hills dominated by hay fields, pasture fields and scattered wood lots. The area is an active beef cattle operation managed by the WV Department of Agriculture.
Hunting Opportunities
Hunting Prospects: deer, mourning dove, rabbit, squirrel, turkey
Furbearers: bobcat, coyote, gray fox, red fox, opossum, raccoon, skunk
(A safety zone is maintained around the farm buildings.)
Accommodations & Facilities
On the WMA:
• Camping is not permitted.
Tygart Lake State Park
(304) 265-6144
Owned by WV Department of Agriculture
Managed cooperatively by WVDA and DNR Wildlife Resources Section
19. Snake Hill
District 1 – Monongalia and Preston counties
Directions: Three miles north of Dellslow and accessed by county Routes 75 and 75/2 (Snake Hill Road), the majority of the WMA lies across the Cheat River from Coopers Rock State Forest overlook.
Size: 3,142 acres
Terrain: Gently rolling hills to very steep slopes in the Cheat River canyon with elevations ranging from 900 to 2,200 feet primarily covered by oak hickory and cove hardwoods with scattered clearings.
Hunting Opportunities
Hunting Prospects: bear, deer, grouse, squirrel, turkey
Furbearer: bobcat, coyote, gray fox, mink, opossum, raccoon, skunk
Fishing Opportunities
Cheat River: limited access
Game Fish: smallmouth and spotted bass, channel catfish
Accommodations & Facilities
On the WMA:
• Camping is not permitted.
Coopers Rock State Forest
(304) 594-1561
Owned by WVDNR
Managed by Wildlife Resources Section
20. Teter Creek
District 1 – Barbour County
Directions: County Route 9 from state Route 92 at Meadowville.
Size: 137 acres
Terrain: Oak-hickory forests on gentle slopes, abandoned farmlands and mixed conifer plantations, lies in the Allegheny Plateau with an average elevation of 1,800 feet
Hunting Opportunities
Hunting Prospects: deer, grouse, squirrel
Furbearer: opossum, raccoon, skunk Hunting is limited due to area size.
Fishing Opportunities
Teter Creek Lake: 35 acres
• boat ramp
• electric motors only
• handicapped-accessible trail
Game Fish: largemouth bass, bluegill, channel catfish, tiger musky, trout (stocked seasonally)
Accommodations & Facilities
On the WMA:
• campsites – 20 tent/trailer
• vault toilets
• potable water
• picnic area
• picnic shelter
Audra State Park
(304) 457-1162
Owned by WVDNR
Managed by Wildlife Resources Section
21. Upper Deckers Creek
District 1 – Preston County
Directions: One mile north of Reedsville via county Route 27/3.
Size: 56 acres
Terrain: Gently rolling forested slopes with two man-made shallow wetlands comprising 16 acres
Hunting Opportunities
• Hunting is limited due to area size and adjacent houses.
Hunting Prospects: waterfowl
Furbearer: mink, muskrat, opossum, raccoon
Fishing Opportunities
Impoundments: two
• 16 acres total
• electric motors only
Game Fish: largemouth bass, bluegill
Accommodations & Facilities
On the WMA:
• Camping is not permitted.
Owned by WVDNR
Managed by Wildlife Resources Section