Tag: Reptiles and Amphibians New law prohibiting possession of most native reptiles, amphibians now in effect https://youtu.be/ehs0MHvfzAY New regulations making it unlawful to take or possess most native reptiles and amphibians for any reason are now... Snakes Alive! Snakes are one of the most misunderstood animals in West Virginia. Did you know these colorful and fascinating reptiles play... Watch your step: Snakes of West Virginia Getting to know wildlife in West Virginia is another reason to appreciate the beauty the landscape provides. Among some of... DNR, Marshall students study how relocation affects rattlesnakes You'll probably hear them before you see them. Timber rattlesnakes can be found in parks, forests and wooded areas all... Spotting Spotted Turtles in West Virginia Spotted turtles are West Virginia’s smallest and rarest turtle species. Populations of this small turtle are in decline because the...