Essential gear, game regulations and tips for a successful hunt
West Virginia’s archery and crossbow seasons are right around the corner, offering hunters the thrilling opportunity to pursue deer, black bear and wild boar across the state’s scenic landscape. These exciting seasons are open September 28 to December 31, 2024. This guide will cover everything you need to know, including the types of game you can hunt, essential gear and necessary licenses and stamps. We’ll also highlight key regulations to ensure a safe and legal hunting experience. Read on to ensure you’re fully ready for the season ahead!

What kind of game can I harvest during West Virginia’s archery and crossbow seasons?
You can hunt black bear, white-tailed deer, and wild boar during West Virginia’s archery and crossbow seasons. Hunting these big game species with a bow or crossbow offers a unique challenge, requiring skill, patience, and precision.
You may harvest up to three deer with a bow or crossbow during West Virginia’s archery and crossbow seasons. One deer may be taken on a base license, and up to two additional deer can be taken if you purchase RB/RRB archery deer stamps. You can harvest one deer per stamp. You can harvest deer of either sex with a bow or crossbow during the archery and crossbow seasons. However, crossbows are not permitted in Logan, McDowell, Mingo and Wyoming counties without a Class Y permit. For more information, see pages 26–28 in the Hunting Regulations Summary.
You may harvest two black bears during all bear seasons combined as long as you take one bear in Boone, Fayette, Kanawha, Logan, McDowell, Mingo, Nicholas, Raleigh or Wyoming counties. To hunt black bears, you must possess a base license and Bear Damage Stamp (Class DS). The use of dogs for bear hunting during the archery and crossbow seasons is illegal. For more information, see page 40 in the Hunting Regulations Summary.
Wild Boar
Wild boar hunting is limited to Boone, Logan, Raleigh and Wyoming counties. You may harvest one wild boar during all wild boar seasons combined. For more information, see page 45 in the Hunting Regulations Summary.

Essential archery and crossbow hunting gear
Having the right gear is crucial for a safe and successful archery and crossbow hunting seasons in West Virginia. The right equipment not only enhances your accuracy and efficiency in the field but also ensures you comply with state hunting regulations.
Hunting License and Stamps
To hunt deer, black bear and wild boar, make sure you have a valid hunting license. Depending on the type of license you have, you may also need to purchase a Conservation Stamp (Class CS) and Big Game Stamp (Class BG) to hunt deer, black bear or wild boar. To learn more, check page 46 in the Hunting Regulations Summary.
If you want a chance to harvest additional deer during West Virginia’s archery and crossbow seasons for deer, make sure you purchase your hunting license and RB/RRB stamps by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 27.

Bows, Crossbows, Bolts and Arrows
When selecting a bow, choose one with a manageable draw weight that provides enough power for an effective shot without causing strain, ensuring control and precision. For crossbows, opt for models with at least a 125-pound draw weight and a reliable safety mechanism. Consider the size and weight of the bow or crossbow, with lightweight and compact models being easier for beginners to handle.
You also need to make sure your bolts or arrows meet West Virginia’s legal requirements. Crossbow bolts and arrows must be at least 16 inches long, including the insert and the nock, and both bows and crossbows, broadheads must have at least two sharp-cutting edges and be at least 3/4 of an inch wide. Using arrows with explosive, drug-laced, or poisoned heads is prohibited. Only single-string crossbows are allowed, and devices that hold a bow at full draw require a modified bow permit.
Finally, trying different bows and crossbows can help you find the one that feels most comfortable and suits your needs. Taking the time to choose the right gear will make your hunting experience safer, more enjoyable, and successful. To learn more about rules and regulations regarding arrows, bolts and bow and crossbow features, see page six in the Hunting Regulations Summary.

Hunting Gear
There are plenty of options for hunting gear essentials for the archery and crossbow seasons, but proper camouflage clothing and hunting boots are key to your comfort in the field and a good rangefinder and field dressing kit are integral to efficiently harvesting your game. And if you plan to hunt from a tree stand, don’t skimp on your safety harness. Not only does it prevent falls; it can save your life.

Archery and crossbow seasons rules and regulations to remember
You must attach a completed field with your name, address, hunting license number (if required) and the date, time and county of your harvest to each deer, black bear or wild boar you harvest during the archery and crossbow seasons. This tag must remain on the animal until it is tagged with a WVDNR-issued 13-digit game check confirmation number, which can be acquired online at, by calling 1-844-WVCHECK or by visiting an authorized license agent.
All hunters also are required to wear at least 400 square inches of blaze orange over his or her outer clothing while hunting in an area where a deer firearms or muzzleloader season is open. For more information about deer firearm season dates and open counties, consult pages 15–20 in the Hunting Regulations Summary.
Buy your license and plan your next hunting adventure today!
As you plan your hunting adventures, remember that all hunters 15 years and older are required to have a West Virginia hunting license, which can be purchased online at
While you’re at it, elevate your hunting experience by opting to purchase a durable license card. This collectible card not only looks good but serves as a memento of your commitment to the sport and the conservation efforts that keep it thriving.