West Virginia’s Wildlife Calendar is a great gift for anyone who enjoys the great outdoors.
A good wall calendar should tell you more than just the month and date. It should give you information you can use throughout the year, be attractive and feature images that draw your attention every month and provide high value for a low price.
The 2017 West Virginia Wildlife Calendar, published by the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, does just that!
- The calendar is full of interesting daily facts, best fishing days, tentative opening and closing dates of various hunting and trapping seasons, and monthly tips to help you enjoy the outdoors.
- Each month showcases beautiful full-color reproductions of wildlife paintings, many created by West Virginia artists. This year’s cover features an American goldfinch. Interior paintings include native brook trout, elk, coyote, great blue heron and hooded mergansers.
- The $10 price makes the calendar a terrific bargain and a great holiday gift that will be appreciated throughout year.
The 2017 West Virginia Wildlife Calendar is available at DNR district offices, card stores and convenience and drug stores throughout the state.
Purchase your calendar today by phone at (304) 637-0245 or by mail: WVDNR Wildlife Resources Section, P.O. Box 67, Elkins WV 26241. Make checks payable to WVDNR in the amount of $16.50 for each calendar, which includes shipping and handling. (West Virginia residents must ad $.60 sales tax.)
Proceeds from calendar sales help fund Wildlife Diversity Program projects such as monitoring bird populations, providing educational materials to schools and printing of wildlife publications.
Ring in the New Year with Our 2017 West Virginia Wildlife Calendar!